Monday, May 05, 2014

Zack Arias - Street Photography (Fujifilm Evening)

Spent a wonderful evening earlier with the guys at a Fuji event in SOTA talking about Street Photography.

I've been checking out Zack's One Light DVD as well as following his latest DedPxl assignments on Flickr, and it was great to finally see him in person sharing his thoughts on street photography. It wasn't a lot of hand holding, more like stating points which are worth exploring that you might or might not know, but never really gave it much thought until today.

I whipped out the EM1 and managed a few shots of the event. It was great not just getting to hear Zack talk on stage, but meet other famous photographers such as Joe McNally, as the Greg Heisler who was super down to earth and nice to chat with.

Awesome way to end the day. =)

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