Monday, May 05, 2014

Hong Kong Day 4 - Food Finding & Meeting up with C3

Man I've been procrastinating to write the 4th entry of my trip to Hong Kong. But better late than never eh?

So day 4 was a lot more relaxed. This time round it was about finding a few more joints to eat and check off my list. Morning was breakfast at any random shop selling you tiao wrapped in cheong fun, and fried noodles, which was somewhat a morning staple around here.

My main highlight, however, was getting a table at West Villa, and reserving a plate of char siew which Colin had been raving to me about.

I did a bit of shopping (and ended up buying nothing) before heading down to Hong Kong island for lunch at this place.

Since I was eating for one, it was a bit hard ordering food, but I did take the recommended claypot rice with abalone sauce and...something something something..Chinese words...more Chinese words...I basically whatsapped Colin as I ordered from the now if you know me, you'll understand Chinese isn't my strong suit.

When the char siew came, it didn't look particularly special...just a slab of meat on a plate. With Meng Kee, you knew you were up for something interesting, with West Villa, it was a bit hard to tell at first sight.

The kick comes in once you sink your teeth into a piece of the meat and you're suddenly transported away to some happy place in your head.

I don't know how to describe it. It's not crispy, if you're a fan of crispy char siew you'll be sorely disappointed. I love Meng Kee, and honestly I still think MK's the best. However, if you're looking to step into a different direction of char siew goodness, this would be it.

Soft tender port meat in the middle that looks like it's been slow cooked for quite some time, covered with a sweet but not overpowering char siew sauce that has caramelized the outer layer of the meat. There's a lot of flavor to take in with each bite. It's really good. Like I said, I'm still all for crispy char siew, but this is still something else indeed.

When the abalone whatchamacallit rice came, I gave it one look and though "what on earth?"

It's just a mass of golden colored bits, with rice and other ingredients that you can't really make up at first glance. I took a picture and sent it to Colin who confirmed I ordered the right thing. I then took a spoonful and popped it into my mouth...

HEAVEN. Like a risotto, Chinese style, with bits of abalone, scallops (I think?), mushrooms, and other goodness chopped up into tiny morsels and cooked together with the rice in a delicious abalone sauce/broth thing.

Lunch was just the start, snacking came after, with me dropping by Tai Chong bakery for some egg tarts that are to die for. Macau has their egg tarts, Hong Kong has Tai Chong. Not the same style, both equally good.

I'm not a huge fan of egg tarts, but hey..."when in Rome" right?

I managed some time to head back to the hotel to rest after even more walking, and at night, I finally found myself out again, meeting with the guys from C3 for a short get together and chit chat about life.

Dinner was at Cheers restaurant since Hans had mentioned it for dim sum and I haven't been to the place. We weren't there for the dim sum, but steamboat seemed appropriate.

I have to admit, eating steamboat in HK is not much different from eating in Singapore...really, I didn't find it any special compared to having it at home, but for this evening, it was the opportunity to meet and hang with old friends that mattered more than the food.

Of course, every time I meet up with the gang, dinner is always followed by dessert, where we headed to Lucky Dessert around the corner for ice shavings and even more crap session.

I'm terrible with my Mandarin, and I can't speak Cantonese, so a lot of our conversations were in English, most of which involved the guys joking, and then turning to me to explain what just about a delayed reaction. =P

Anyway Day 4 was pretty simple, mostly eating, great hanging out with the C3/HWY boys, always great company. Hope to see you guys again in July when AP is here.

1 comment:

AL said...

ok, now i have serious regrets not visiting West Villa last year!