Friday, November 22, 2013

Black Day Out

So Tuesday evening, after setting up the Jada Art booth at the Affordable Art Fair, I headed down to MBS to meet a friend whom I haven't seen since early 2005.

From a well known yoyo player in the yoyo community to a well known yoyo player on the world stage, Black has come a long way indeed. He hasn't changed much since the last time we met, still well mannered, very kind, and a person whom you can have a decent conversation with.

He was even featured on TED awhile ago which was a life changing move for him, it's not the most technical yoyo performance you'd see, but it was the story which led him to where he is today that was moving in my opinion.

Colin and Hans had followed him for the most of the day and when I caught up with them, it was a short coffee session at Toast Box before heading to the fountain to check out the show, and then dinner at Din Tai Fung.

The meal consisted of good food and a lot of sharing from him about his experience as a performer during his time with Cirque du Soliel. Black has really made a name for himself as a sought after performer...even Neo knew about him during a conversation I had with him a long time back and he was surprised I knew the guy.

Though short, it was great meeting up with an old friend, and chatting up a bit about yoyos, and mainly life as a whole.

Great experience, I hope our paths will cross again in the not too distant future.

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