Friday, November 22, 2013

Affordable Art Fair 2013 Private Preview & Olympus OM-D E-M1 Event Photography Test

I've never had to do any official event photography work before, mainly cause during such shows, I'd be busy elsewhere to find time and pick up the camera.

This time however, as there was ample time for me to move around, Valerie asked me a favor to try and take a few shots during the private preview, she didn't intend to hire a photographer cause she was expecting at most 20-30 photos for just the Facebook page since there was no need to send images to the press.

I almost froze, cause quite frankly I've never done anything like it before, and wasn't sure how it'd turn out. I almost went out to rent a lens just for the event until I read on an online forum that it wouldn't make much of a difference once I strap a flash onto the camera since it'll flatten most images.

So yesterday, armed with the 14-150mm f4-5.6 lens, and a FL-600R flash, I put my EM1 to the test. It took quite a bit of fiddling, some shots were over exposed, some were under, some times my bounce would be way off, some times it'd be too direct. My final setup was Shutter Speed at 1 over 60th of a second, iso200, and flash set to Auto TTL, bounce wise was always guess-work, hoping I have it angled right before each shot.

I have to admit I'm really pleased with the overall result. =)

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