Sunday, September 29, 2013

MacRunning - MacRitchie to Dairy and Back

We managed a run this morning at MacRitchie, a couple of us wanted to do  a longer distance in light of TNF next week and so a route to Dairy Farm and back was planned. Al and Colin were around the area but unfortunately I didn't bump into them along the way.

Sherri just recovered from a flu and it was Shu Fei's first time doing trails (her longest distance before this was 15km road, while Dairy Farm and back was almost 20km worth of trail), so I was a bit worried, thankfully we hade a few experienced runners with us to ensure things were going smoothly.

It was quite surprising when I bumped into Edward Lam and an old friend, Khairul Ashab when he cycled up to pose for a group photo with the runners.

Side track, I have no idea why we were kneeling down in the middle of a field for this photo.

Overall the trail that morning was a good one, we covered almost 20 km in less than 4 hours, it was a slow and steady run, and thankfully Sherri was ok, and Shu Fei took the whole 19+km like it was easy breezy, I think even at the 15km mark I was getting tired from the lack of sleep the previous night...gosh.

Overall a great run this morning, fun and full of nonsense throughout the route, the way running should be. =)

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