Saturday, September 28, 2013

Held Hostage By Toyota

My brother texted to inform me that there was a car blocking the driveway. Can't be that bad right? So I opened the gate and realised "gosh, how was Dad gonna get out tomorrow early morning?"

Ended up leaving a note, hope the person leaves earlier than Dad. Kinda upset but I really didn't want to horn and wake up the entire neighbourhood at 1 in the morning.

And yes that's my handwriting.


Colin Wan said...

You are sure that car is not your neighbour rite? Scarly he leaves 2 notes on your other 2 cars parked outside blocking them then really self troll liao.

Endruuu said...

It might be the neighbours although we never park in the way of anyone's vehicle or house, it's just inconsiderate loh.