Thursday, June 13, 2013

Parents Day Celebration at Safra Mt Faber

Same as last year, my Aunt and Uncle invited us to come back and check out Parents Day celebration where they were performing. Due to unforeseen circumstances though, my Aunt was hospitalised (she's out now) so only my Uncle could perform.

Babe managed to join us this time round as she was unavailable last year.

The Performance

It was a community centre event, hence most of the performances were song, dance, and musical instruments. I didn't manage to snap good photos of the performers, not to mention the spotlighting was terrible, making it hard to work with. I was contemplating of getting the flash from Al but I didn't want to intrude the audience at the show since I wasn't an official photographer (though there weren't any! Just some guy recording the performances with a video cam)

The Food

The food was pretty typical Chinese banquet stuff, it was good of course. =)

The Rascals

There were quite a few children at the dinner, but the ones constantly at the front of the stage running about making the most noises were of course my two lovely nieces Xaylin and Xayna, as well as my nephew Raphael who at one time, was even swinging his water bottle about. Perhaps it's in the Lim family blood line to be so hyperactive, I remember I wasn't that well behaved as a kid either. =P

All in all it was a great evening, catching up with some of the relatives and getting to see the nieces and nephews enjoying themselves.

Good times, looking forward to next years.

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