Monday, November 26, 2012

Not Another Phone Shootout

I'm not fond of "this vs that" videos, I hardly watch them but this one I did take a look.

Chris's review of the iPhone 5 and Nexus 4 comparison is a good one though. He may be a geek and it is cliche these days that the higher end devices are constantly coming to a tie, but he lays out good explanations as to why he's come to such a conclusion, explanations that don't just apply to the niche group of tech lovers but as well as to the general consumer.


Colin Wan said...

A bit bias to the mac leh, that was a give away with the mac setup behind him.

Need to find another funny geek like him who uses PC primarily and do a shootout.

Endruuu said...

Haha, he actually uses both and is quite versatile on both platforms. One of his recent videos is the one where he lets his dad use Windows 8 show how confusing it is.

Think for Mac vs Windows, he's made an informed decision to use Mac, while for phones he's still open to both.

He is pretty experienced judging from how he covers some areas of his review he's sure Android geeks would attack, hence I found his comparison pretty informative.