Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Steamboating @ Alron's

Late post, thanks again to Alron for inviting us to lunch at their place, and also to their mum whom we didn't manage to say thanks to for all her preparation!!!

In fact, I was so full from that meal, I practically skipped dinner!!!

Also, thanks for the gifts from Japan!!! =D <- I'm smiling cause of the instant noodles...really no kidding!


AL said...

how did you get that shadow of my hand onto my t-shirt? too cool!

please eat the instant noodles and write a detailed review =)

Endruuu said...

Was wondering about that T-shirt, looks cool but didn't know why the designer made it that way, looks like you've found a reason for it!

Will definitely write, still got one from Hannee...must find a day where Xinn can join me to eat or later she'll give me a cold stare!

Colin Wan said...

The length of the noodles is so long. If can really finish, pls share pro tip. kthxbye.

Endruuu said...

#Protip: I don't think many actually enjoy the noodles from start to finish, they mainly just eat the main ingredients and throw away the rest. Haha!

Colin Wan said...


AL said...

I may not be the pro but I assume they slurp the noodles until they puke and then there's no motivation to continue eating.

at least this one can be kept in the fridge to enjoy another day

Endruuu said...

Yes indeed. Sometimes it's difficult to store it in the fridge for fear of others discovering it and worse still...eating the noodles too!

That's why some people prefer store the noodles in a non-physical state where it's easily portable and more private.

Colin Wan said...

Storing noodles in non-physical state sounds like light years technology ahead of the space jockeys. No wonder they want to send us some black goo.

Endruuu said...

To any random person stumbling upon this blog post, we're talking about how one can enjoy instant noodles, save it for later, and even access it again after keeping it sealed for hundreds of years.

True Story. ;)