Sunday, January 19, 2014

Hong & Wong Day 2014

Because Hans and Al's birthday are so close to each other, we tend to make it a double celebration every year, and this year was no different. Planning of the food was easy, Sharon made the call and we found ourselves having Hi Tea at the Ritz Carlton Chihuly Lounge on a Saturday afternoon.

The food part was easy, it was the present part that took awhile to plan! We finally settled with a Dino Book for Hans as well as a yo-yo he really wanted. We got Al a Freehand AL but it didn't make it in time, we initially had something else in mind but it took a lot of searching and we couldn't find it! So yo-yo it was.

To add to the fun, Colin had prepared a special gift for Hans and Al, Simpson portraits!!! I think this was a really cool gift, it didn't cost a lot and it was freaking awesome!

Not only did the two guys got portraits though, he'd gotten a portrait for each of the Tier, cool!

Hi Tea was later followed by a game of Room Raider at Orchard Central, my second time participating in a room escape game.

It wasn't easy! And frankly I think I spent more time shining the torch than actually cracking my brain. =\

Time flew pretty fast and soon it was dinner at Tony Romas. I haven't had TR before, I think it was partly because Black Angus where I used to work was a direct competitor, and I didn't feel the need to try TR since I had BA.

I haven't had BA in quite awhile and frankly the ribs at BA was one of the best I've tried. I have to sat the ones at TR were really good though they could possibly be as good as the one at BA, I'm not sure already, but I've seen the cooking technique at BA and can ensure the meat falls off the bone just as easy and the exterior is flamed just as nice leaving a thin crisp at the surface...I hope the standard hasn't dropped!

Dinner ended and was followed by a trip to the arcade for some nostalgic games from yesteryear. The newer games looked graphically better, but were pretty much the same concept as they were 10 over years ago...good ol joystick combat, shooting as well as racing games.

Since Sharon had booked rooms at the Ritz this year, we stayed over and ended up playing games in the room, Head's Up is an awesome "taboo" style game that recorded our actions as via Al's iPad while we played, it was super fun and I think it was an awesome game worth keeping, shall consider downloading it on my phone as well!

Overall the day was fantastic, well planned, well executed. Quality time spent with quality people. =)

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