Sunday, October 06, 2013

Ultra Busy Bodies @ TNF 100

So Sunday I found myself at Rifle Range Road along with Shu Fei, Jane, Uncle Chua and Din to help back up some of our fellow runners for The North Face 100 that had started a day earlier on Friday 10pm.

We figured the first half of the 100km runners would require less support but it was the second half of the race that would be killer. Plus we'll also be helping to cover some of those doing 50km since they would pass the area around 8 where we had planned to setup.

It was pouring during the day and we were initially unsure of Coke would be ideal for the weather, so we waited it out for a bit. Thankfully as the skies got clearer, we began setup and in no time, we had friendly faces joined us at the table for a quick sip-and-run.

One of the main 100km groups we were supporting included Kee Wee, Calvin and Eve. Neo had paced with them for the 2nd half since morning and given that two hadn't trained for quite awhile and one had a wonky ankle, they needed all the help they could get.

We were getting a bit worried at first since the bulk of 100km runners had passed, but from a distance, 3 runners in coats came dashing towards us and sure enough, it was them!

By now it was just the 60km mark, and there was another check point in front before they had to turn back and see us again. Not wanting to waste too much time, they headed off with Jane pacing them throughout that portion before meeting us again over an hour later.

By the time the guys returned, you could tell from the look on their faces that they were pretty beat but undefeated. It was a slightly longer break at our check point where the guys chilled for more drinks and to stretch out. Apparently the official checkpoints were crippling in supplies and nourishments, just water most of the way which was a huge disappointment for many. I guess at this point, Coke was certainly a life saver for some.

Once the gang had left, it was time to pack up and look out for a few more last runners. After catering to the last of the lot, we grabbed our stuff and headed for our next point at Rifle Range ST Kinetics.

Chua being the more prominent runner to many took lead with the water spray, signalling runners to come to our station. Shu Fei who was volunteering for a first time, was busy going up and down serving drinks via our McDonalds cup holder, I think she had quite a lot of fun greeting new and friendly faces!

It was getting late at the second check point, the guys had little time left before the race ended, but thankfully the finishing point was just 10km away, which wasn't too long a distance left to go. Shortly after, we managed to catch a glimpse of them in a distance and soon they were chilling at the second check point getting themselves ready to finish the final leg of the race.

Once everyone had left, we packed our things and slowly made our way back to MacRitchie where we caught up with May, Jasmine and Ping who were chilling by the tentage waiting for the rest to arrive.

I believe it was about 5pm where we caught sight of them making their way towards the finishing line...I think it was the single most happiest thing they've seen all day!

I have to admit I was pretty pleased to know everyone made it, all three of them had their different worries throughout the run but thankfully because they were running together, they managed to make it out alive together as well. So awesome.

Glad to have been part of this experience. I understand there's a team that formed just to pick rubbish throughout the race, might consider doing that next year! =D

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