Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Neo Feast - TNF100 Dinner & Celebrating Neo's Birthday

What started out initially as a dinner get together in celebration of some of the NB Runners who completed the recent TNF 100 ultra soon became a cover-up surprise for Neo's birthday which was on the actual day of the dinner as well.

Keeping it as discreet as possible, we managed to gather a few of the TNF supporters, as well as some of his close friends to join us at Yishun where we ate at the Taste of Thailand, the same cze char stall where we celebrated Neo, Chua, and Mark's Sundown Ultra not too long ago.

The company as usual, was great, a lot of good friends mingling over good food, chit chatting about races, runs, and everything else under the sun.

Oh speaking of food, it was pretty good ah. I'm not a pineapple rice fan but this was pretty ok...the biggest highlights for me included the Fried Sotong, Honey Chicken, Cereal Prawn and my all time favourite classic Hot Plate Beancurd =D

I didn't eat much cause I was busy taking photos, but it was fine, I wasn't too hungry that day anyway. Plus I was busying trying to ensure everyone's photo was taken.

The surprise came around 9pm when most of the guys were done with their fill, we got the cake ready at the back and upon arriving from his back, the entire group stood up and started singing the usual birthday song, much to Neo's surprise.

The birthday boy not only received a cake, but a pair of trekking poles for his upcoming race at TNF Hong Kong. He also got a special gift from Adrian and I, much to his dismay...haha!

Overall, dinner was a pleasant one, I think everyone enjoyed themselves. What an awesome meal. =)

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