Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Visit to S.E.A. Aquarium - Difficult to Photograph!

So last Sunday, I met up with Babe to head to Sentosa to check out the S.E.A. Aquarium. Apparently she had scored some tickets and since it was BF+GF day, we headed out to pak tor.

Before I start though, I have to say, the trip is worth going if you are a huge aquarium fan. Me? I wasn't that big into fishes other than the ones BBQed, Steam, Fried, or Stewed.

With the regular passes, we had to wait for almost 30 minuts in line before we got into the building, and another 30-40 minutes in line to get into the aquarium. You can say by the time we got in, I was kinda cheesed off with waiting. Not to mention the crowd, it's still very crowded, never go on a weekend (well duh).

I'm not sure if it was the fact that my camera was old, or I was rather anal with the glass between the fishes and my camera that made it hard to get a clear shot, but boy was it tough photographing in the aquarium.

To be safe, I went crazy spamming my shots, hoping that I'd be able to find some that I like. I must have taken like 300-400 photos, and after sifting through Aperture, I now have 24.

That spamming kinda paid off though, two photos I really like from my list are that one sharp image of the Jellyfish, and one of the Baby Pufferfish...still not the sharpest but seriously the warped aquarium glass is a bitch to work around. I wished I had captured a sharp image of the rear of the Jellyfish though, well, guess I'll have to make do with the image above.

Overall it was still a good trip, one well spent with Babe. =)

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