Tuesday, June 11, 2013

New Launcher & Icon Pack - Zng Ur Phone

After looking at what iOS7 has to offer, it's hard not to look at your current phone and go "wahlau eh, old liao". Windows Mobile's interface has never really impressed me, and with the older iOS interface looking dated, the only reference I had for nice designs came from Android.

The new UI from iOS7 on the other hand is really fresh, and so after some thought, I figured I might as well theme my phone too...not so much to make it look like iOS7, but just something to make the phone feel fresh again.

The best part was that I didn't need to do any rooting (jail breaking) to get my setup done. =)

Launcher used was Action Launcher Pro and the Icon Pack I got was Stark for its flat design. Background was some random image I picked off the web.

Action Launcher's app drawer is a swipe from the right which is different from the stock launcher where you press the button below, so the interface is slightly different but not hard to figure out.

So there, not the most stylo or polish look, but something nice enough to keep me happy for now. =)

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