Sunday, June 23, 2013

Banana Relay 2013

Awhile back, Eunice had helped Eve and I sign up for a Banana Relay organized by Ben Swee as a sort of fun social run. Although the haze was bear borderline 100, we decided to give running a miss and decided to walk one round instead. We didn't actually completed a round either, we probably walked 1.5-2km tops? The rest of the time was spent sitting around observing others, quite a number of the participants took it at full force despite the weather.

So we didn't run in the end, but throughout the walk whenever we spotted a cameraman, the rule was to hop in a running motion just to get that one "running shot" that was worthy of keeping.

Most of the time were fail moments though, we still had ourselves taken while walking (inevitable I guess)...but after a few tries, we had one captured just the way we liked it!


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