Tuesday, June 25, 2013

10-Day Running Hiatus

It rained this afternoon, and I was so damn excited, I thought to myself, finally I could run tonight!!!

Honestly as I sit here typing this though, I'm contemplating to grab my shoes and go out for a short run, it's been 10 days since I'm ran, and what do you know, never thought I'd say this but I'm dying to get back into routine.

Just to be sure, I checked back past history readings on NEA to get an idea of the average PSI and PM2.5 readings on other days. I randomly flipped back a few days in June and some in May. PSI was between 26-36 and PM2.5 fluctuated around those figures too.

The PSI and PM2.5 readings today is somewhere around 55 and 40 respectively. While they are higher than usual, it's a figure I'm willing to accept if I were to head out for a run. However, since I'm still having a bit of a daze from the past few days of smog, I think I'll rest tonight. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be better and get back into running again.


Colin Wan said...

Just realised from the historical readings that even during good times, the PM reading is still in moderate range. Currently its double.

Endruuu said...

Ya, I assume their definition of good range for PM levels is for the countryside. After all this measurement does not just apply to urban settings so I would think moderate range is pretty standard for a country this small with a high population and unlikely to go into the "good" section.

Colin Wan said...

I also expect that only country sides will have good PM but Tokyo has good levels leh. They are as urban as us with denser population.

Endruuu said...

Serious? That's cool!

I'm not sure about Tokyo, but my guess is for Singapore, we have low levels due to the restrictions the government has in place for Motor Car emissions. That's why we don't allow diesel private vehicles (tho now there are diesel engines that are lower emissions that petrol) and we do not accept vehicles of certain CC, plus we also enforce annual vehicle inspections to ensure exhaust fumes are kept at the permitted levels.

Maybe we if dive into Tokyo's environmental initiatives, we might be able to see better what makes their city so green.

Colin Wan said...


In Tokyo, it is too expensive to drive and park in the city so most of the people take the subway.