Saturday, May 18, 2013

Office Abuse in SG

Never thought I'd see something like this men would've retaliated!

Kudos to the intern who stood up and shed some light on the matter though.


AL said...

Violent sia but honestly, I've been tempted to do that before. Not sure what this guy did but it can be super vexing when people under you repeatedly cock up with lame excuses.

Endruuu said...

I think at some point we've been tempted, I think maybe if we did act out eventually it'll be a one time thing if it does come to that.

From the description of the video though it seems like the boss has been doing it a few times before, wow what an ass.

AL said...

don't know what really happened but i think that the intern should have let HR deal with it rather than whistle-blow on social media... He's gonna have a hard time finding a job in a reputable company if his identity goes public.

Endruuu said...

You got a point. He looks like a poly intern rather than uni intern though, hopefully that means by the time he's out of army and maybe done with his degree, it'll be a good 4-5 years n this would've blown over and ppl would have forgotten about him being that guy who posted this video.