Friday, May 03, 2013

Mr Fix-It Fail Edition

The office chair had been broken since I started work. The biggest annoyance is that after some time, the piston will lose pressure and the entire chair will just sink in.

I have been putting up with it for the longest time and actually after awhile it became second nature.

Today, however, I decided to do something about it, went online and read about the method to keep the piston in its permanent place using a jubilee clip (Link).

I looked under and saw the size of the pipe, then went out and got myself two jubilee clips just in case.

Upon closer inspection, I realised what I thought were "pipes" were actually plastic coverings, and the metal piston inside was significantly smaller!

I twisted the clip to the max but at the end it was still too big.

The good thing though (I guess) is that the plastic cover now rests on top of the clip, preventing the piston from sinking in. 

So while it's not an ideal fix, I guess it worked out.

Yay men and supposed skills with tools.

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