Saturday, May 04, 2013

Home Workout

I'm not one to do statics workout. Not cause I don't believe in it, I normally treat my runs as social outings, I hardly run alone anymore and exercising alone wasn't something I had the focus to do.

I didn't run today though cause I was so tired after sending Babe to work so I went home for some shut eye, and later decided to give a metab boost workout a try, not so much cause I wanted to try something different, mainly cause there was a Double Down meal later to conquer, and while I know a short exercise won't do some "feel good" exercise loh. haha!

The exercise set came from a tweet Colin posted regarding Cardio, you can read it here (Link).

A total I did 8 sets of 30 seconds Bodyweight Squats, 30 seconds Pushups, and 30 seconds Jumping Jacks.

The first 4 sets were ok, the hardest being Pushups since I hadn't done it in some time, running helped facilitate the Bodyweight Squats and Jumping Jacks.

By the next 4 sets, my pushups were terrible, I ended up switching to knee pushups to keep the momentum going.

Not sure if I'll find myself doing these regularly but I guess since I missed today's run, it's the least I could do.

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