Monday, May 27, 2013

Grilling Session @ Grill Bar

Al's brother Gary has been inviting us for the longest time to drop by his restaurant for a sampling session, and after countless misses, we finally managed to make it down on Sunday to check out some of the dishes he's whipped up for the gang. We also had Tony from Johor Kaki join us, who wrote up this awesome review of the place! - Johor Kaki @ Grill Bar

Al had brought along the flash for me to use in the dim conditions and they were good, though it's a lot more challenging having to constantly work with white balance in the room, had to do quite a lot of post processing and I think the colors were not similar throughout all the photos, but generally am glad with the outcome =)

Some of the items were familiar to us, one was a new creation while a few others were things we hardly ordered. That didn't mean they were bad, like the burger which was just incredibly huge and tasty! Hans made a point that it might have worked well with some greens inside the burger itself to lift the taste not making it too rich, the beef short rib was also very good, slow roasted in a pot for 8 hours...heaven!

The other stuff, like the steak, soups, desserts were as usual...wonderful!

Gary came by every now and then to take notes on how he could improve his meals, the guy is quite the perfectionist, always unhappy with his dishes and thinking of new ways to improve, that's dedication!

Did I mention? This was one of Sharon's birthday celebrations as well, this time with Al's family who joined us for the meal. =)

Colin couldn't make it this time round but with the frequency of us visiting JB for Gary's restaurant, we'll definitely be back there again for another round food gorging!

One last pic to close the of Gary and Mr Tony from Johor Kaki. =)

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