Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Galaxy S4 30 Day Challenge

It's ironic how such a powerful device suffers inconsistent issues of lag throughout the phone.

Bad coding perhaps? Maybe the Note 2 is better for Dad after all. 


Colin Wan said...

Was at Subway recently and overheard a couple complaining about their S4, about battery and other stuff. They don't look like geeks, just regular users.

Endruuu said...

If they are coming from ios, Android's battery consumption is generally higher. If they are coming from a Note 2, the Note's battery is a lot bigger.

If they are coming from the S3 though, looks like Sammy has "draw snake add legs" with this device already and neglected its core functions.

I'm excited to see ios 7, apparently Johnny has made a couple of significant design changes worth looking out for.