Friday, May 31, 2013

Brick Session - Celebrating Sharon's Birthday

Where do I start? Al had initially told Sharon that they would be heading to the flyer for her birthday but had not informed her that the bunch of us would show up at the location as well to wish her a Happy Birthday, followed by taking her on a journey across the border to Legoland!

You can say Sharon was pretty surprised to see us there, although it sorta was hilarious when she apparently spotted Colin in the same train as them, and Colin's initial reaction instead of acting all "oh hello you guys are here too?" he made a dash for the exit.

Photosphere link HERE
The first stop was the miniature lego replicas which were pretty cool, a lot of familiar places and what not, with some attention to detail that included a broken down car, mixed bricks on a wall, and even a small section paying tribute to PSY and Gangnam Style.

Unlike USS, Legoland is hardly sheltered, a lot of open area which is fine if it weren't for the fact that it was damn hot! I guess you can say Singaporeans are being pampered with our sheltered attractions, but gosh was it uncomfortable at times.

There were a few other attractions that were fun, we didn't get to take some of the rides cause of the rain, but since the weather was wet, we went for the one with the water slide.

My the time we were finished, we had just caught the bus before it left, but due to some boarding hiccup by the tour guide, we were left after an hour of waiting, we boarded the next available ride and were on our way back to SG where we headed to Kiseki for dinner!

The spread was pretty good, for the price we paid it wasn't bad at all, I thought the trip down was definitely worth it!

Birthday Girl wasn't feeling too good after the trip back, but did hang around with us for a bit before making her way home.

Still, I think they had an enjoyable time, kudos to Al for planning such a big event, spoilt market already, how ah? lol.


AL said...

nice! i didn't even notice there was the Gangnam Style tribute man!

Endruuu said...

I think we were all so turned off by the weather we hardly had time to really notice a lot of things!

AL said...

It was very hot but I was really enjoying myself admiring the lego sculptures and attempting to photograph them! Just that everyone was rushing so I missed a section of it

AL said...

It was very hot but I was really enjoying myself admiring the lego sculptures and attempting to photograph them! Just that everyone was rushing so I missed a section of it