Thursday, February 21, 2013

Google Glasses - Ready to be an Early Adopter?

Seems like Google is starting to ramp up its project to introduce Google Glass to the market, it's not there yet, but they are currently looking for early adopters to come on board and give it a try.

The current glasses design is a mixed bag, some love it, others think its weird. I think it's cool but it would require a certain kind of look to pull it off. For those who are concern with the looks, Google's supposedly in the works with eyewear maker Warby Parker to come up with some potential designs for their glasses, you can check out their website. Warby Parker

As for practicality, I'm still not sure if we really need such a tech in our lives, at this point though I have to agree with the post on Gizmodo that summarises the state of Google Glasses, likening it to another interesting yet equally questionable product.

To be fair, not many people knew the potential of electricity when Benjamin Franklin first discovered it either so it's anyone's guess.

Overall I am loving the concept, let's wait and see if it becomes a hit or miss. Google Glass

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