Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Code Hard Everyday has a new PSA video explaining the importance of coding, which gives you a fresh perspective as to why it should be taken seriously.

I think I didn't pick it up in school back then cause I was under the impression that everyone was learning it...but now.


Colin Wan said...

By not learning how to code, that helps you to have a different perspective from those learnt how to code. Not bad either.

Endruuu said...

Makes sense, though seeing how some of my heros are from the tech industry, I do wonder from time to time what it'd be like if I had tried to take that path instead.

AL said...

1) The path to learning coding is full of shitty nights.
2) This video makes me happy =)

Endruuu said...

This video must be a scam to get more people in! lol

AL said...

i don't deny that programming can be fulfilling but i can't forget those sleepless nights during uni either. perhaps only the gifted can find true enlightenment!

Endruuu said...

Maybe you need to submit your resume to Apple, Google, Oracle, Linkedin, heck, maybe even Microsoft, which all have offices in Singapore just to see if Singapore based offices can live up to the hype as their main HQs overseas.