Of course some of these scams only work if you're dumb enough to fall for them, especially the more dangerous ones.
There are a few episodes on youtube as well if you search it, and the first two I've watched, Buenos Aires and Prague are quite an eye opener, and a lot scarier than how the trailer portrays the show to be.
Other countries featured include Rio, Barcelona, Rome, Delhi, Istanbul, Bangkok, Las Vegas, and Marrakech.
Below's one example of an episode I watched.
Below's one example of an episode I watched.
Saw one of them during a trip. Good show.
Maybe we should watch Bangkok's episode and plan a trip there again to see how far down the rabbit hole we can go. lol
reminds me of your epic reaction after feeding the pigeons!
Shucks, why didn't they release this show first?!?!?! =P
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