Thursday, October 04, 2012

Oliver Ker - 70 and Strong as Ever

I heard about Oliver's name but never really met the person, someone told me he's 70 and still a regular marathoner.

It was nice to have met the guy in person during the Ultra Craze, didn't really have the opportunity to talk to him much though, but he had a smile everywhere he went.

According to his timing, he DNF at checkpoint 5, 50+km from where he started...for a 70 year old, that's a feat!

When Ling and I commented on a photo of him on FB, he came back with this reply:

Hi Ling/Andrew u both made me feel so embarrassed wit ur kind words but just made me no way 2 hide.I joined d race cos as Chinese saying <Don't know how to write the word DEATH>.Many a time jus wondering if I join d event 4 Fun or 4 Pain.Anyway,since I'm stil capable 2 take part might as well do so not until d day when I can't then I'll regret 4 not doing so.I normally join d Max distance in d race jus want 2 test my endurance .I always aim 4 d top 10 in d race ....of course counting from d back.I'm 70 hope 2 be able 2 do so 4 another few yrs more.Cheers.

Old and Crazy (pun intended), what an incredible person. =)

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