Monday, October 08, 2012

Fun50 Run Bike Recce

Having not being able to exercise for quite a long time, the chance to cycle was definitely welcomed. I had committed to helping with the Fun50 recce and hence, despite having just recovered, I mounted my Bike on Sunday morning, met up with Neo, Calvin, Li Jin and Din, and headed on a trip to check out the various checkpoints we needed to take note of during the actual day of the run.

Considering I had just recovered, I figured the cycling trip would be a little intense, it was going to be about 40km after all from my house to the meeting place, round the recce, and back. Not wanting to risk any further potential illnesses, I brought along my hydration pack, and kept my gear ratio as light as possible, often avoiding increasing my intensity when climbing slopes in favor of increasing my gear and taking it slow...I think Neo had to wait a couple of times during our trip to Scape for me while heading uphill at certain points.

The cycling leg upon meeting up with the rest was more casual, less aggressive, which I was more than happy with, it was the last day of my medication and I wasn't going to take the risk and jeopardise 2 weeks of banned exercises.

The route for the first part was familiar, identical to AHM and POSB. We weren't going to cover the ECP route since it was a generally understood part of the run, so we cut short and headed towards the return trip of our route.

It was rather early in the morning, and after the first half, naturally some of us were feeling hungry, and since McDonald's was around the corner, what else right?

At the second leg of the reccee, which was around Kallang MRT, my runkeeper froze, and hence my exercise was broken into two parts.

The way towards Novena wasn't a familiar one for me, but I understood it was one the Novena runners were accustom to, I think it was part of their 10km route.

By about 9 plus, we found ourselves outside Novena, this would've been about our 46km mark of the Fun50 route I believe, we weren't really sure but it seemed about there la. It took us another 15 minutes of casual riding before we found ourselves back at Scape.

Overall, I travelled about 45km from home to the reccee and back, I think Neo must have traveled about 53-55km at least. It's great to be up and "running" again, will take a break today and tomorrow considering the cycling was still quite an intense workout, am hoping to be back at Newton on Wednesday to help with the volunteers at the run.

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