In terms of design though, just like HTC, Apple's design to their phones are among the top in class, beautiful as usual, and they really know how to market it via their video. If you are familiar with manufacturing, a lot of the things Apple said about the design and build technique are common industry standards, though yes, it's not commonly found in a phone, which is what Apple has taken to do one step above its competition.
It may come across odd to some people why me being an Android user, I'm excited about the iPhone. It's not so much cause I intend to buy one, but because of how Apple is really good at marketing their device, it helps pave the way for the next level of phones coming out from its competitors. Sure iPhone's technology with iOS isn't brand new, sure Android has it in their device, but quite frankly its disappointing how phone manufacturers aren't able to promote their great features the way Apple does it, with class, and a human touch. This is the same reason why I enjoy Google's ads more than other phone branding ads.
With the above said, Apple outing a new device means other manufacturers will now scramble to do "the same thing" that will then benefit Android users. It's slow. but what to do right?
With the above said, some things I do noticed from the keynote...the figures on the screen were quite skewed, the revealing of the iPhone was a fast one, personally it felt that Apple had nothing special to reveal now that everything's leaked so they went straight for it. The keynote for the iPhone segment was really short in comparison to its previous keynotes, so my guess is even they've realised there's nothing much new to talk about, but managed to drag it for the most part by sensationalizing its limited new upgrades.
All in all though, whether you love or hate the iPhone, it's still going to go places, and it's still going to lead the market in terms of hardware for now (software is debatable? I do realised a lot of iOS6 users benefit the Mac user more than a Windows user, and when we only make up of 8% of the computer market, it seems a lot of Windows users aren't reaping those benefits), and with this lead in hardware, manufacturers will step their game up, and that will definitely benefit everyone else not touting an iOs device. =)
In terms of design and manufacturing, I doubt the other cell-phone manufacturers can match it and still remain profitable at the same price point.
agreed. Android may be the dominant OS but it has a lot of companies dipping their hands in it, so in terms of handsets, Apple has more than it's rivals, it can start at a high cost margin but as the sales increase, the cost of production will naturally come down.
other brands, unfortunately, can't the the risk unless their device becomes as iconic as the iPhone for them to even try.
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