Monday, September 17, 2012

A Year of Event Runs


AL said...

there's still the Newton Challenge to come and maybe the Salomon X-trail too!

I'd suggest you consider a more structured training program and see where it gets you for the Zoo or 2XU run next year. The pacer program trainings should have increased your aerobic capacity so you should look at how to maintain it as well as building speed. Don't need to take it competitively, just look at it as experimenting and adding variety to your weekly runs.

Endruuu said...

Thx! Those runs will likely fall under the start of POSB 2012 since POSB 2011 was my initiation to running. Haha, I guess I'm not counting it annually like I should. Not sure if I'd want to take part in Salomon X-Trail though. U know how I am with paying for runs, if as a social event, I might consider (After seeing the Energizer event, it made me realised I might have missed out on a possible social activity)

Not sure about training program since I'm still uncertain about paying for runs hence only training I'll have to plan are for the ones I am given. I guess training is possible but I don't want to compromise on nutrition since my end goal is to eat. It's a step that I'll have to give some thought though I have to ensure if follows what I believe in.