Sunday, August 05, 2012

National Day Rehearsal 2012

So Xinn's brother got tickets awhile back after balloting to go to the National Day Parade rehearsal at the Floating Platform. Since he couldn't attend, the tickets went to Xinn and I, and since we had 4, we decided to bring Xaylin and Xayna out for a day to check out the show.

Before that though, we had arranged to meet with AlRon for tea, and since they too were heading to see the show at another aisle, I brought both nieces along.

I think Al must have been seriously amused by my two nieces when he looked down from the second floor of Millenia Walk to see two hyperactive kids playing catching, circling around their uncle whom after some time, gave up asking them to stop started from "Don't run" to "Ok you can run but run around me and not far away"

Not wanting to risk the girls getting hungry, we stocked up at McDonalds and got in line to see the rehearsal.

The queue must have been damn long, and Xaylin started getting restless...but eventually we managed to wriggle our way through the crowd and into the spectator seats.

I was busy playing butler to Xaylin who kept switching her "accessories", one moment she's holding a fan, next she's holding a flag, then she's holding the air-bag clappers, shortly after she's back to the fan again! And each time she changes between her accessories, she doesn't put them down and pick up the other, she shoves them in my face and I have to drop everything to hold whatever she tosses at me before she reaches into the bag to dig out her next item of choice. I think the sight must have been hilarious! I can see why parents seldom get to enjoy the show when they bring their kids out, you really have no time to look in front and see what's going on!

I did manage to whip out the camera a few times, and took some shots while I could.

Xayna even started borrowing my camera and became assistant photographer during the show, here's one of her shots.

The show looked pretty good though, whatever it was, I really couldn't tell, too busy taking care of the younger niece, haha!

Nearing the end of the show, Xaylin started to "chutpattern" and wanted to go home cause she was bored, she even faked sleeping a couple of times, I tried to wake her up but she wouldn't budge until I softly commented "time to go"  to which she opened one eye to see what was going on.

I eventually brought her out of the place first, on the way down I did see a lot of parents with kids about Xaylin's age leaving the place as well...I guess younger children can't comprehend the show and probably found it boring...can't blame them la, still young after all.

I did get "scammed" by her though, as we were heading out of the place she kept dragging her feet and behaving very restless throughout her way out of the place, but the moment we entered Marina Square, she was back to being hyperactive, like a caffeine-loaded chipmunk! I ended up treating her to a ride and brought her to the playground while we waited for the rehearsal to end so Xinn could bring Xayna out to meet us.

We ended by having dinner near their home with AlRon after the show, and before they left, we got them to give Sharon a hug and photo since she had brought them tidbits to eat at the show. Since Sharon's also a big Hello Kitty fan, the two girls must have been awed and impressed by the accessories she carried!

It must have been one of the longest days I've had in awhile, by the time we sent them home, Xinn and I drove down to AlRon to meet Hannee for a short game of Taboo, after which we headed home and after my shower, I found myself motionless on my bed, exhausted!

Bringing my nieces out was a fun experience, more importantly I hope they enjoyed themselves throughout the trip. Hopefully when I have something more exciting to plan, I'll see if they are keen to head out again.

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