Wednesday, August 08, 2012

iPhone 5 in Hand - Mock Ups

These cleverly photoshopped images of the Black and White iPhone (5) give you a rough idea on how they'd look like in your hand.

Comfortable if you ask me, am really digging the black design more than the white, perhaps cause...well...the white's not...white.

Read up more on Gizmodo.


Colin Wan said...

Looks about the same. Not that I am expecting radical changes, it is as minimalist as it can get for a phone.

Endruuu said...

I expect to hear a lot of outcries from the public about the design (as usual) but that's just human nature...the sales figures will probably depict a more accurate figure of the phone rather than the online chatter, and with iOS 6 and its new features backing the device, I expect sales to be good as always.

AL said...

I don't like it but I will buy and cos I'm such a fanboy.

Endruuu said...

Not nice meh? Ok la I actually like this design and the current one, Xinn's the one not into more angular shapes.