Friday, July 20, 2012

Lion's Key-Repeat Feature: Getting it Back

Found a small hiccup when using Lion today...apparently when you hold-key to repeat a letter, it no longer does it, instead a slew of choices pop up on screen for you to choose the right alternative, probably for accents.

It's good an all, but I hardly use them, and of course since I've only discovered this now, it's safe to say I hardly use hold-key that often either...still, I'm less likely to use accents than I am to use hold-key.

While it may seem helpful for some, I think it can come across as less helpful for others.

Thankfully there's a fix you can do if you want to good ol hold-key function back.

Go to your terminal (Applications folder, then under Utilities folder) and paste the following:

defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false

After that, restart your computer and there you go!

If for some reason you want to turn it back on, enter the same line above, but this time change "false" to "true".

Currently if you go into system preferences and check keyboard settings, it still shows you choices for key repeat settings...which is confusing since its useless now with the accent settings.

Hopefully with Mountain Lion they'd put the accent settings built into the system preferences so users choose whether to hold-key or allow character-mapping-ish keys intead.

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