Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Surface by Microsoft

If you haven't read about it yet, Microsoft just announced the Surface, a new tablet made by Microsoft, not Lenovo, not HP, not Sammy, Microsoft.

I have to admit, the concept is pretty cool. A tablet that comes with its own built in kickstand that doesn't look like an eye sore, and a "smart cover" that doubles as a keypad which is pressure sensitive, and knows to turn itself off when you flip it behind, heck, it even changes the background color of toue screen to match the color of your pad once you have it connected! I got to hand it to MSFT for coming up with a product even their own OEM companies weren't able to visualize themselves. Good job!!!

It's not as sexy as the iPad per say, but it's not that ugly either.

The product looks promising, and while I don't think it really is in any direct competition with the iPad based on what the tablet is aimed to achieve, it might give Android a pretty hard time if Microsoft does it right...if it does it really good it might even make people consider it as a laptop+tablet option and eat up both market share.

The Surface will come in two versions, Windows RT and Windows 8 Pro, the former being a more tablet-aimed...well..tablet, priced like a tablet, with the performance of one too. The latter will be a full computer system with an i5 core processor from Ivy Bridge, which will be priced around the same as modern ultrabooks...naturally it'll be thicker and heavier too, but still within ultrabook territory.

If interested, head over to the keynote to check out the presentation.

If you're not interested in the video, at least check the first 45 seconds to hear Steve Balmer bullshit his way through without breaking a sweat (Did I mention? I some how or another can't stand the guy, he's no Bill Gates, and certainly no Steve Jobs)

Another amusing part of the clip is at 11min30s where you see Steven Sinofsky describe the tablet, I think it's priceless! The tablet, in typical Microsoft fashion, seem to have failed midway presentation for poor Steven.

Personally, the device looks like a great concept, and probably still in beta meaning it will need a bit more work on.

I'm guessing their reason for trying to push their presentation out this early is cause Google I/O is just around the corner.

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