Friday, June 15, 2012

Dropbox Adds Auto-Camera-Upload to iOS!!!

If you tout an Android phone, you'll know that Dropbox for Android offers a neat feature which allows dropbox to auto-upload images taken from your phone to DB, which later syncs in your desktop dropbox folder.

Now that sweet feature has made its way to iOS too!!!

Why does it matter? 

For those who aren't Mac users, you now get the same convenience one gets from iPhoto and Aperture's photostream sync on your Windows computer.

For Mac users who don't use iPhoto or Aperture, your photos still gets onto your Mac via dropbox!

Even if you do use iOS's photostream, this feature is also useful for iPhoto/Aperture users who intend to access their photos immediately for say, editing, or a quick send to someone without having to open up iPhoto or Aperture.

3GB Additional Space!!!

Here's the BEST PART, even if you DON'T really need this feature, adding it will give you an additional 3gb of free space!!!

However, it is NOT immediate...Dropbox first gives you 500mb, and once it uploads up to 500mb worth of photos, it jumps and gives you another 500mb, so on and so forth, until you hit that max 3gb limit.

So you may not use it, but hey, keep it on until you get your full 3gb, then turn it off. =)

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