Friday, June 22, 2012

CCwC Celebratory Dinner @ Roadhouse

Although today's modern DSLRs still struggle with low light, it's not as bad as having to deal with it on say, my 450D.

The 30mm's 1.4 aperture made up for it a little, allowing me to snap at f1.8-2.2, but I'm still not very happy with the results.

Anyway I skipped last night's NB run to meet up with the Jada Art team for a celebratory dinner at Roadhouse. Since babe was off that evening and Val had invited her, I brought her along to meet the team.

I haven't had food at Roadhouse in awhile, I think the last one was a few months back with Babe when we went for Brunch.

I don't think the quality of the images did the food much justice, but still it was really good. I'm not a big fan of burgers in general so to me a burger's just another burger, but it was still a well made one at that.

The fish tacos were great! I think it's dory fish which in general is a plain meat to work on, but at least the sauces, guacamole and salsa made up for it, I think I enjoyed this more than the burger. =)

Gonna end off here quick cause it's late and I should be heading for lunch (wow look at the time). It was great catching up with artists/friends, one I think even Babe enjoyed. =)

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