Friday, May 04, 2012

Taking Portraits - All About the Jaw

When I first came across this video, I was a bit reluctant to watch it cause it was 15 minutes long, but then I clicked and started out with the first 3-4 minutes, and continued watching to see other examples, this looks like a really good tip for those interested in taking portrait shots.

Talk about a #Protip!


AL said...

i watched half of the vid, agree that it's protip.
Can take portraits like these already:

Endruuu said...

Hahaha, we can do future group shots with all of us taking one in our normal pose and one with our heads sunk forward and *SHABANG!*...instant Jawline.

AL said...

we should book a studio and take loads of portraits and group shots la

Endruuu said...

Expensive leh, might do in Thailand, see how. In Singapore we do neoprint. lol