Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Babe's Lomo Shots

I'll be honest, I haven't checked out the recent images Babe took with her Lomo camera since she uploaded it on Facebook until...well...now.

I'm perfectly fine with the whole Instagram thing (although there are some blogs out there, one that babe enjoys reading in particular that irritates the heck out of me for it's excessive use of instagram for EVERYTHING), digital medium is catching up and hence, might as well embrace it yeah?

Still, it's nice to check out analog once in awhile, like these snaps below =)


AL said...

i actually think Instagram is the best photography app out there. Makes a lot of mediocre photos look great (to me at least!).
I'm actually quite proud of some of my Instagram shots! Sadly, Instagram is also the reason why my Lomo cams are stuck in the cabinet

Endruuu said...

Haha, I think it's a cool app, but there really are times where too much is too much, I really need to find that blog Xinn reads where the girl only does instagram images, and that's only after she got attached to a hipster lesbian.

It's like trying too hard you know?