Friday, April 06, 2012

It's Just an App - Instagram for Android

Seems Instagram on Android is causing quite a lot of hate among some iPhone can read more of them HERE. Sorta reminds me of "TPS vs Yomega" It's just an app, why angry leh?

I'm actually curious why Instagram would make an Android app when they said last year that they had no plans to do so. With the talk about how Android Devs do not benefit as much as iOS in many ways, I wonder why they even bother to come to Android after finding success in iOS...better yet, the app's free on the Play if it's harder to make, you don't earn much, worse still, it's free...why bother to even develop?

Perhaps the complaints of developing under Android vs iOs has been overly exaggerated and only makes up a handful of people in the community...much guess people complained about the iPhone 4S being the same as the iPhone 4 when in actual fact, the sales beg to differ.

Still it'd be nice to hear from the opinion of a developer who makes apps for both platforms to explain what makes them even bother to do Android apps if what they say is true about it's lack of benefits towards the developer.

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