Tuesday, April 10, 2012

History Channel's Ancient Aliens Documentary

Been watching History Channel's Ancient Aliens recently, each episode as long as one and a half hours. Like all theories, it's good to take it with a grain of salt, but it's really interesting to note some of the findings uncovered by men.

Sites like the ruins of Puma Punku, which is as old or even older than the Egyptian Pyramids, that is built using massive rocks just like the egyptians, but with precision lines, holes and cuts that even though possible to recreate with modern tools, aren't easy to pull off at all.

They also touch on topics such as aliens being ancient astronauts, using artifacts found on earth which depict vehicles and equipment that are similar to what our modern day astronauts are using today.

The show even dwells into religion, theorising how whenever a devine being appears from the sky, it usually follows by bright lights, loud noises, some times fire and smoke, similar to that of a rocket which is comprehensible by us today, but not thousands of years ago.

The Ancient Aliens series is well into it's 4th season I believe, I'm only at episode three of the first season...I admit some times it's boring and some stuff gets repeated again and again, but it's still interesting to watch.

You can look up youtube and find that some have actually uploaded them for others to watch, you can check them out, here's season  1, episode one.

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