Monday, November 28, 2011

Will Google Accidentally Kill Chrome OS?

I remembered awhile back thinking how far tech has come. What with Mac now offering OSX Lion which has adopted some of iOS's features...and Windows 8 now offering Tablet guess is before you know it, you'll be able to run a full OS on a tablet altogether.

Then what for Android? Google, unlike the other two giants, has never had an operating system to work with. Or rather, it did, Chrome OS, which...lets face it, is not exactly the best idea out there if you ask me.
Granted it was initiated two years ago, back when the iPad wasn't out seemed like a good idea at the time, but lets be honest, whatever Chrome OS has to offer, you can get most of it off any iOS/Windows/Android device nowadays.

So what then? How will Google plan take Chrome OS to the next level? Perhaps...rather, Honeycomb might be the answer...or the soon to be Ice Cream Sandwich.
I was impressed with the first Asus Eee Pad sorta gave you a glimpse into what might be the next big move for Google to compete in the Portable OS market.

The new Asus Transformer Prime is dead gorgeous, with a quad core processor and Tegra 3, it's a mini powerhouse!
With the Android Market slowly increasing its apps available to people, you may soon even have Word and Excel running on your tablet besides Google Docs!

Tech moves so fast these days, I have to admit the next 5 years will be looking pretty exciting! Personally I wouldn't mind having a MacBook Pro that can detach and become a tablet of its own. =D

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