Friday, September 02, 2011

One Too Many?

Samsung just announced another two Android sets into the market...the 5.3 inch Note and 7.7 Tab.

The smaller one is the largest phone from Samsung yet (Think of it as a 5.3 inch Galaxy S II), but with a lot more power.
The latter is a 7.7 incher running Honeycomb 3.2.
So now there's the Galaxy S, SII, SII LTE, and Note as Samsung's arsenal of powerful Android Phones.

And then there's the Tablet 7.7, 8.9, and 10.1

Gosh...a bit overkill? Might be a risky way to dominate the market, but with so many options, hey it just might cater to everyone.

Article at Gizmodo

Promo vid of the Galaxy Note:

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