Monday, April 22, 2013

JB Chilling - Pro Sports & a Golden Pass

It's been awhile since the entire group made our way to JB to chill out, and since Xinn was finally free on a Sunday, we did exactly that.

City Square had changed quite a bit, undergoing a major renovation since we were last there, and so for lunch, we decided to look around for a place to eat, and stumbled upon ramen near the top floors.

Lunch wasn't particularly special, but some of the items to highlight were the black gyoza and...well the black gyoza la. lol. Al had the Snapper Don and said it tasted similar to Unagi, only cheaper, so if you've got the craving but want to maintain a lower budget, the snapper looks like a decent choice to go.

It was at KSL did we actually find stuff to do. While the girls went for their mani pedi, the guys started looking around the mall and found ourselves at the KSL Hotel gym wandering inside the place. There was a table tennis table which was free to play but we had to have a room, and since we didn't, we opted for their Virtual Golf instead. After a bit of negotiating though, we managed to convince the staff to let us play table tennis after a round of!

If yo-yoing requires Hand-Eye coordination, Golfing requires Arm-Eye-Back-Legs to work together to hit a ball slightly larger than a Fuzhou Fishball!

Needless to say, we would probably die if our lives depended on our scores. 7 above part...10 above par...goodness! We completed a hole in half an hour, if we were to play all 18 holes we'd probably be there all day!

Next up was Table Tennis, I haven't touched this in ages, and it took awhile to get back into swing of things, but it was pretty fun! Each of us took turns at the table and I think among us, the best player was Al with Hans closely behind.

Soon after, the girls were done with their nails, and came up to see what on earth the boys were up to. Eventually we got them to join in and while Xinn and Hwee took to the table, Ms Yeo went zombie-slasher at the arcade with Al...steady la!

After awhile the four guys started messing around the table, no need to take Ping Pong too seriously anymore, it was time for some action shots.

I think the hotel staff must have been rather amused with the bunch of us, paying RM60 to hang around the gym for about 2 hours. Soon after it was pass 6pm and it was time to go.

Dinner was at a hawker shack near where Grillbar is located. Alron had mentioned the claypot rice there and so we gave it a try.

Not being a huge claypot person, I did not have much expectations out of it, but the one at JB was really good, a lot better than most in Singapore! The fried kway teow, wu siang, and satay were also equally delicious and I think the portions were just nice.

By the time we got back to Singapore, it was about 11pm already, and most of us were super tired after a long day, especially Babe who only had 2 hours of sleep prior to heading out.

When we exited the carpark, I was noted that I was short on cash, the fee was $10 and I only had $6 in my cash card. Having to cause a slight disturbance by reversing, I quickly topped up the fare card and dashed back to the car. When we took a second try at the barrier, the sign instructed that I call the service hotline for assistance, which of course we naturally did. To our surprise, the next thing we knew, the barriers lifted, and guess what...FREE PARKING! I think everyone in the car had like a WIN moment, I was pretty surprised and actually fine with paying the $10 fee for a full day parking, but hey, free then free loh.

Great weekend, really a cheap-thrill day with the Tier. Awesome.

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