Monday, April 22, 2013

Hong Kong Day 3 - Meeting the Hong Kong Possies!

Day 2 went by in a flash, and actually Day 3 was going to be pretty much the same.

Cause Babe wasn't feeling too good, I headed out first to the Kowloon Pier Park overlooking the harbour to take photos for the Spinworkx yo-yo. The weather was good and the wind in your face was fantastic.

Photosphere Link HERE

Babe did eventually join me so I took her to the pier again, it was rather crowded this time though. Seeing that it was a Sunday, I guess it's normal la. Despite the weather, we couldn't pass off eating from the Ice Cream van, so we bought a cone to share.

I've been trying to find a shot to take that is typically Hong Kong, or would sum up Hong Kong in one picture, and below's a shot I kinda like...the signature Taxi in the front, huge billboards hanging over the top, modern architecture to the left of the picture, while an old building stands beside it on the right, and at the back you can see dense blocks packed together like sardines, and lots of people roaming the streets. There's something off about this picture though and I can't figure out what, but still I'm pretty happy with the image overall.

Our first meal stop would be one recommended by Hannee - Cheese Noodles from Sun Kee

It took us awhile to find, we weren't expecting to walk into a shabby old block to find just one shop opened on a Sunday.

We ordered two different bowls to share, one regular Cheese Noodles and another with their cheese fishballs.

I think in terms of taste, I would probably categorise this under comfort food, cheesy goodness mixed with instant noodles which is also a comfort food favorite. Good stuff, totally enjoyed it! I think we could have passed on the cheese balls though, the original was good enough.

After an early lunch, our next stop was to look out for Tutti Melon which Alron had recommended for us to try. We were looking out for The One shopping mall when we realised we've been there before!

Tutti Melon's method of purchasing their yoghurts was very similar to Tutti Frutti Yoghurt...a quick search on Google and I think Tutti Melon's the original brand while the latter is sort of a rip off version.

Most of the flavours from the yoghurt stand were pretty regular, you can get good yoghurt like such in most places. The one that stood out was the Yakult Flavoured yoghurt that Alron recommended, which was acidic to the bite and very refreshing! I think had we missed out on this flavour, we would've thought the yoghurt store was pretty normal, thanks for the flavour recommendation!

Walking around, Babe checked out K11 to look for a bag, and since we were nearby, we made a pit stop at the second Butao outlet nearby to look out for a Tierist Landmark.

Since we had arranged for dinner with the Here We Yo crew that evening at Causeway Bay, we boarded a train and made our way over to walk around a bit.

Babe wanted to look for the Agnes B Cafe we saw back in 2010 but to our surprise, it was gone!

Agnes B Cafe back in 2010 at 111 Leighton Road

Agnes B Cafe back in 2010 at 111 Leighton Road

Replacing it was Armani Casa which I believe sells high end furniture.

Oh well, that particular outlet was pretty cool, it had a florist inside, hype loh!

Since there wasn't much to do that we haven't done before in CWB, we headed for the next food haunt - Mak's Noodles!

It was out first time here and though the reviews mentioned that the bowls were really small and not filling, it didn't really matter, we couldn't down a huge bowl and eat dinner after, so a small portion was fine by us.

The kee from the noodles kinda killed the taste of the soup for me, but thankfully we ordered a Dumpling Soup without the noodles and that one tasted good! The dumpling was also well made and the noodles were pretty chewy, shiok!

There was still some time before meeting with the HWY crew, so Babe made her way to Forever 21 while I hung around at Hysan Place. I caught a glimpse of the Apple Store but did not enter this time, they were the same after all, though this is apparently the largest, it's a pity it's front is being blocked by a building across the street.

There was an Iron Man 3 exhibition going on at the place, how not to go and see right?!?!?! There were too many people though, so I didn't hang long, and waited till Babe was done with shopping before heading back to Times Square to wait up for Ron who met with us and brought us to Wing Wah for dinner!

Photosphere Link HERE

Like most Singaporeans, I thought Wing Wah was only known for their Wife Cakes, apparently they have a lot of other stuff to offer, from Wedding Cakes to Chinese Sausages to Rice Dumplings and more!

Needless to say, the meal was a blast, there was so much to eat, I think we stuffed ourselves! The braised pork was one of the major highlights for me, so were the salted egg coated vegetables w shrimp, sweet & sour pork, and crispy fried prawns.

I guess when you eat with just one other person, it's hard to order a feast like this, so in a way we were really thankful to have sat down with the HWY guys for dinner.

After the meal, it was getting pretty late, there wasn't really any yo-yo swinging since Babe was with me and I didn't want to keep her waiting, plus some of the guys needed to head back, so Cheuk and Andy accompanied us for a bit while we went to Mong Kok to walk around.

Soon it was time to head back and snooze, we parted ways and headed back to the hotel. Another day well spent. Time for bed.

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