Sunday, October 25, 2015

3rd Congregation Dinner @ Redemption Hill Church

Timothy's cell group was in charge of this evening's congregation dinner and the theme was American food, so Titus, with the help of the team, made a Hotdog special for everyone to try which was really awesome.

Got to hand it to the cell group for the effort put into making this a reality, the food was really good!

For the uninformed, I've recently started going to Church again after realizing I do not know enough and easily jump into conclusions about the religion when there are certainly loads of misconceptions I've come to have about Christianity.

I'm also slowly reading Buddhism thanks to Colin for sharing me an eBook on the faith.

Not reading to pick a faith per say, rather to further understand both religions on a whole and see if it can apply to my life be it religiously or not.

That said while I'm slowly getting to know the members of the church, I have to constantly remind myself that I should not be in it for the social aspects. It's a reminder I tell myself every week, but nonetheless they are a decent bunch of people and I'm glad getting to know them.

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