Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A Merry Steamboat Affair

So last Saturday, I got invited to a steamboat dinner organized by Jane at LJ's house. I believe it was my second time at their place and thankfully this time it did not involve alcohol. =P

Apart from the food, there was gift giving as well, and I scored a Starbucks tumbler, I need to start drinking my Nespresso in the office again if not it'll be such a waste.

There was also a gift giving of "unwanted items" from your house, and while I didn't participate, others did and took things from their home they didn't need to exchange. Sherri apparently thought it was a joke thing, and brought along disposable chopsticks and wet naps to exchange! It was hilarious and really made everyone's evening.

Overall it was a wonderful evening spent with a fun bunch.

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