Sunday, September 07, 2014

Sun. Sand. SEA

Sun(day) at the Beach (Sand) followed by a trip to the SEA (aquarium).

Okay a bit trying too hard to get a blog title going, but there.

Sunday was a Tier 0 outing in celebration of Colin and Uncle Tony's birthday. The plan was a beach out followed by a trip to the SEA Aquarium, and then dinner at Chili's.

The beach out was a pretty fun one, we were very unprepared but that was partially the beauty of it wasn't it? A lot of shopping was done at Giant followed by a drive into Tanjong Beach to set up.

We had even gotten a volleyball and frisbee just for keep us entertained.

The next stop was to the SEA Aquarium, though I had been there before, the rest didn't, and since I had gotten passes to the place recently, we decided to visit the attraction.

This time, armed with a better camera, it was easier capturing some of the sea creatures and fishes in the place compared to my other visit. I particularly like the one of the Lion Fish, which turned as a snapped the photo, what a random angle. =)

The day concluded with dinner at Chili's, it was your typical western meal but I think everyone enjoyed themselves.

It's been awhile since we had a good Tier 0 outing that involved something out of the ordinary. Time definitely well spent!

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