Sunday, November 24, 2013

MacBook Pro Woes

My MBP has been acting up since yesterday, so much so that it's pretty much making me want to yell the f word at it all day.

I've reset the PRAM and done a Disk Permissions, I've even set it to do a hardware test overnight and everything came out fine.

Since I turned on my MBP at 11pm, I've only managed to open my browser, load two tabs, delete a few emails, and THAT'S IT....because every click or two would result in the beach ball.

It's annoying and getting on my nerves, I'm resorting to use my Windows Desktop which currently performs WAY faster than the MBP.

Might wanna send it in for servicing soon.

Nonsense man.


Colin Wan said...

Could be failing hdd.

Endruuu said...

I suspect so, tried to repair disk in recovery, but it says fine, repairing disk permissions from there did not work too.

While backing up it took forever to load my aperture library, hope nothing is corrupted...

Will try to back up and send in for servicing.