Saturday, February 16, 2013

Dim Sum Sessions - Jade @ Fullerton

I went back and checked, it was about 4 years ago, in 2009, that we first went to Fullerton's Jade restaurant for a Dim Sum session. (Link)

After a super long hiatus, we found ourselves back again, this time for another round, though not as ambitious as the last.

As usual, this was a Tier 0 feast, though a slight change in the individuals from our last time here.

The people were great, and the conversations were plenty, the way a luncheon should be =)

The food was still fantastic, though I think some stuff have changed over the years, though looking back at the facebook images from the first meal back in 2009 (Link here if you're lazy to scroll up), some of the items seem to have remained the same. =)

To keep with the CNY theme, Yu Sheng was part of the menu item, and hence we decided to do a toss up. =)

I saw this coming la, you could see the staff from afar carrying the birthday cake from across the restaurant. lol. Thanks guys for the surprise though. Thanks Al for the photo of Xinn and I =)

Lunch ended with dessert which hit the spot.

It was a great afternoon hanging out and talking nonsense. Thanks again guys for this afternoon, and thanks Babe =)

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