Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Chinese New Year 2013

CNY isn't over yet, but of course, for Singapore, work starts Wednesday. And for the past few days, families have been out and about visiting relatives and what not around Singapore.

As usual since I can't remember when, our family start our visiting after 3pm, so we didn't get to go around much, but there are indeed a few visits that I do enjoy a lot.

As usual, visiting my relatives for Reunion Dinner is always a ball. Chit chatting with cousins, and getting to mix with nephews and nieces who are so hyperactive they make you realise how old you are now that you can't keep up with them!

Of course, food is also one of the biggest highlights during CNY, and my aunt as usual whipped up a feast this year, shiok!

Another trip worth mentioning was to the one at Hans's place. Pizza, it doesn't get more traditional that this! =P

Been awhile since I sunk my teeth into a good none-fastfood restaurant slice and this hit the spot, shiok!

Lohei at the end of the meal which consisted of a very light dressing (cause we bought more veg than needed) was great too, not too sweet and still very appetising. =)

Visiting Eunice's place yesterday was another enjoyable event, mixing with runners in a none-running environment, watching ghost comedies on TV and enjoy a good meal whipped up by Eunice's mum, excellent! Loving the Glutinous style Ngoh Hiang and was especially surprised by the homemade nuggets which were awesome!

Chinese New Year is always a lot more fun than Christmas if you ask me, my only regret is not being able to make it to Aunt Pansy's house this year, but it's ok la, there'll be other times anyway. =)

Here's to a good Chinese 2013! ;)

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