Sunday, December 19, 2010

Look at that...*gasp*'s a's a coin...

Guy's first pair of Jordans, I swear his description and sheer joy just made my day. =)

"The laces have the inne...has different things like little dots..."

"It has little bubbles..."

"Another Michael Jord...where's the coin?...There's no coin in here...*oh no...*...Oh No...Oh there it is I got scared!"


Colin Wan said...

lol. Now I feel that I don't deserve my jordans.

I have the same model as that dude but in black/red during poly days.

Endruuu said...

Enthusiastic! I feel damn happy for him loh. Maybe we should appreciate what we have more often, lets do a vibram unboxing

shopsmartmarket said...

This place looks awesome and from your description your service sound good as well, you probably have good CoinIT service to asset management. Thanks for sharing the details.

Soulution Pilates said...

Nice video you have shared and I have always found these kind of videos intriguing. I was looking for something relation CoinIT and luckily found this link. Thanks for the share.